Info Center
Return Policy
We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchase on BigFace. We're committed to providing customers with the most delightful shopping experience possible. We're always available and happy to help with any questions. If you need to request a refund, please contact our Customer Support Team within 30 days of delivery or latest estimated delivery date.Our goal is for customers to be happy with their purchase. But things may not always go as planned. If things don’t go as planned, contact us and we will try to make things right for you.
Place your request for a return or a refund within 30 days of the date of delivery or the latest estimated date of arrival. We have no obligation to consider requests placed outside of these timeframes.
In the following circumstances, you can request for a return and refund:
• This is not what I ordered - If you receive an item that is damaged, not the size or color you ordered, or not reasonably consistent with the item listing, you are eligible for a full refund or partial refund. We may request some evidence of the issue - typically just a photo or two - and you may be required to return the item.
• It never arrived - If you don’t receive an item you ordered, you are eligible for a refund.
How do I request a return and refund?
Return and refund requests should be placed from - locate the order in your order history. From there, simply choose the relevant item(s) and click on ‘Support’ to apply for a refund and communicate directly with our customer service team.
Customers may request a refund on any order or any specific item within 30 days of delivery or latest estimated delivery date. Our customer service team strives to respond to all requests within 72 hours or less. We're always available to help!
How will I receive my refund?
After Bigface approves a cancellation or refund and (in certain cases) confirms the return of the item, Bigface will return the amount of the purchase. Shipping fees will not be refunded and customers will be responsible for return shipping fees.
• Refunds are processed back to the original payment method used to purchase the order.
• Typically, you can expect your payment provider to credit you for your refund within 14 business days. If you are having trouble locating your refund, we recommend contacting your payment provider for further assistance.
• BigFace does not provide reimbursement for costs related to return shipping, customs fees, taxes, postal fees or GST related costs.
Bigface reserves the right to:
• Refuse any refund if it in good faith suspects, abuse of this Policy or violations of the Terms of Use
• Limit customer support and refunds for abuse of these services or violations of the Terms of Use
• Limit purchase activity in the services if it in good faith suspects abuse of this Policy or violations of the Terms of Use.
This policy may be updated from time to time.